It’s always a good idea to be a tourist in your own city. I had been meaning to do this for a long and finally got the chance in November 2018. Museums fascinate me and it was yet another holiday spent there, but this time with a twist. I thought I’ll take an audio tour rather than aimlessly roaming around the museum galleries. However, instead of opting for Hindi and English, I decided to take up the French audio guide. I had been learning French for almost a decade and decided it was time to put my skills to practice. Needless to say, this trip to the museum allowed me to explore the collection from a different perspective. With the audio guide and a translator app on my phone ready, I went around the museum space at the CSMVS. Although it didn’t cover the whole museum or too many pieces of a collection, I left the museum having learnt more about the collection and my interests.
For all those interested in history, museums and/or languages, I definitely recommend having a visit to the museum and taking an audio tour in your target language.